"Dreams Won't Come to You Without Hope''

My Ambition and Goals In Life 

Ambition and Goals,everyone has it including me.we must have it to decide our future of course dream also include.everyone certainly have dream,if we dint have dreams that means we dont have life purpose,life will be meaningless.

personally i have my own dreams,but let me introduce my self before i tell y'all

My name Mochammad Rafi Fairuzi.i was born in Tasikmalaya 16th of december the youngest from 3 sibling i have 1 brother and 1 sister.

i was always love game since i was little,i know game cause my dad introduce me to game.i think game so awesome cause can kill time when u bored.When I was a kid I dreamed of becoming a pro gamer but that's just the past now I prefer to be a programmer because socialize less often than a gamer

The main reason why I wanted to be a programmer because laziness is my passion. I once read an article about programmer and I found that even though programmer is tough job but we can do it wherever we want, that means we can even do it in our house without even bothering to leave the house.

Strengths & Weaknesses

My strength is ... hmm I don't know for sure whether I have the strength or not, but if  I think about it maybe I'm adaptable and even though I'm lazy I still carry out my obligations, perhaps.

my weaknesses are..hmm maybe I hate other people easily, before I even realized I realized that I hate everyone equally and i hate socializing, i mean man I just want to sleep


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